Do you have doubts about rental methods? Below you will find the answers

FAQ about Vehicle

It is forbidden to circulate or park within the restricted traffic zones without an adequate pass.

In the event that the renter incurs administrative sanctions for violating the highway code, he will be directly responsible. If the violation cannot be reported directly to the driver of the vehicle, the leasing company will communicate his data to the competent Administrations for the correct forwarding of the fine.

The vehicle must be returned with the same fuel level found at the time of collection.

In the event of returning the vehicle beyond the time limits established in the contract, you will be required to pay an additional cost estimated at one rental day.

If you lose your keys you must contact our customer service immediately

In the event of a breakdown you can contact our customer service who will activate the roadside assistance service

Any return of the vehicle in places or times different from what is established in the contract must necessarily be agreed with our staff.

In addition to taxes and VAT, the price includes unlimited mileage, RCA insurance,approved helmets, guaranteed roadside assistance and of course the replacement of the scooter in case of faults.
The use of a helmet is mandatory for both the driver and the passenger. In the event of seizure of the vehicle by the public authority due to non-use of the helmet, the customer will also be charged the rental rate relating to the days of non-use.


As established by art. 175 of the Highway Code, all motorcycles with a cylinder capacity of less than 150 cc are prohibited from circulating on motorways and main extra-urban roads.


FAQ about Scopello Rent

You will find one of our operators waiting for you in the Arrivals area

It is possible to book our vehicles via our website or by contacting our operators by telephone

Any modification of the booking is possible only after consulting our operators, who, once the feasibility of the request has been verified, will send a new booking confirmation.
The cost of any cancellation of the booking amounts to 100% of the deposit paid if communicated within 15 days from the rental start date.

In the absence of communications the reservation will be canceled and the deposit paid will be retained.

To drive our vehicles, an identity card and driving license B are required. In the event that the driver is of non-EU nationality, an international driving license is also required.

It is also possible to rent without a credit card

It is possible to pay by cash or by debit/credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, ect.)

A deposit will be required at the time of booking while the balance will be paid at the time of collection